What has been going on with our babies:
Andrew is quite a cutie! Aaron and I are enjoying this stage of him figuring out how the world works. He is so funny which is an enormous blessing. It is so great to laugh. He is continuing to learn new words and say sentences. He has started asking for things by saying, "Can I and May I" My big big boy! Our sweet boy loves to read and of course Aaron and I oblige every time he asks. Lately his favorite books are, Ten Apples Up on Top, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, and Stinky Face. The other night, Aaron was reading him a story and Aaron would read the first few lines and wait to see if Drew could finish them. And... He did! We were so amazed! Crazy how fast kids pick things up. Some of the cute things he says are: "Chaps" for chapstick, "I love you Leah Kate"(then he kisses her 3 times, once on the forehead, and then each cheek, pretty sure he sees up kissing her chunky cheeks like that) :), and "chocrat" for chocolate.
He has started to really enjoy more foods, like chicken, rice with sauce, taco meat,and chips and guacamole. It is nice to go to a restaurant and not take anything with us (well most of the time :) Our boy just continues to bless our lives! He has such a happy and sweet personality. He is so thoughtful and sweet (most of the time) to his friends and people in general. Andrew, we love you soooo much and can not wait to see what God has for you!
Oh Leah Kate! You are the happiest baby and love to be entertained! She is very content, as long as you are holding her or playing with her. Her new form of independent entertainment is the jumper, which our arms are thankful for. :) She loves to jump and is so curious about each toy. She is so aware of everyone and everything around her. She is already detail oriented. She is so close to sitting up on her own. She puts her hands down to catch herself, but her big cheeks must push her over. :) We love how fluffy she is. We have tried rice cereal once, but she seems to be fine with just breast milk. I think we may try it at night to see if it will help her sleep longer. She has been getting up 1-2 times a night. I know this is partially because of her 2 teeth that are right under the surface of her gums. We have been waiting for 2 weeks for them to pop through, but they are still giving her grief. Oh well, teething tablets and orajel will have to suffice until they do. She is our playful, full of life, smiley girl. :)
I am such a blessed mommy and wife!
Here are pics from the month... :)
Love my girl...
Drew loves to swing!
and eat yogurt!
Sweet cuddles :)
Happy Valentines Day!
Makes a mommy's heart melt!
Leah's Zoolander poses
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