Sunday, January 24, 2010

Being a Thankful Working Mommy

Well, it has been 2 weeks since I went back to work and I have to say it is tough! I find myself frustrated a lot more because every second of every weekday I have something to do. Feed Andrew, cook dinner, prepare for school, eat, laundry, and the list goes on... But, even though our lives have changed, we wouldnt trade it. I have to constantly remind myself that God is in control and I have so much to be thankful for. These are the things I am thankful for and want to write them, so when I feel overwhelmed I can look back on them:

1. Jesus Christ who has saved me from myself

2. my husband, Aaron, who works so hard at being a dad, student, and a great supportive husband

3. my son, Andrew (i almost tear up because I know things could have turned out much worse and am so thankful to God that he is perfect, but just a little bit small which I know will even out by age 1)

4. my mom, dad, and brother (anytime I need something, they are right there to help, no matter what)

5. Aaron's parents, who constantly help us out with babysitting, diapers, and of course, cute clothes for Drew.

6. my job, wow, thank you Lord for this wonderful place you have put me! (I could not ask for a better partner teacher, who is so experienced and supportive)

7. my friends, who will talk to me whenever I need a listening ear, good or bad!

I am sure there are more, but these were the things that stood out. Now, I am going to feed Drew. :) Oh, one more thing I am thankful for: all the prayers for Drew, Aaron and I. :) Love you all!


  1. You are such an amazing mommy. I love those pictures of you and Aaron with Drew. I am so glad we got to see you this weekend. Can't wait for game night!

  2. Love your list and love the new pics! Love you!!!
