This is my (Aaron) inaugural blog. My day home with Drew was awesome, but the morning was definitely an experience. On Wednesday, our Contracts class was canceled so I had Drew for what I thought was going to be an extra hour in the morning. So I fed Drew at 9, and thats when things got interesting. He started spitting up EVERYTHING he just ate. That used to be pretty normal for him, but since he started on the rice cereal, its really kept the spitting up to a minimum. He doused his clothes and a burp rag and a bib. When I was changing him I noticed that he had nasty spit up all over the back of his hair, so I decided that I needed to give him a bath. I knew I would be late for class so I called Dena (Drew's sitter) and told her that I wouldn't be bringing Drew to her that day. When I was getting Drew ready for his bath, he had the biggest nastiest poop ever. It was thick stinky and disgusting. I think that's why he was spitting up, he was trying to push out the big one. So I got him wiped off and plunked him down into his nice warm whale bath tub I had all ready for him. Which he promptly pooped into. Alot. So I had to get him out, drain the tub, spray it out and refill it for him. The 2nd time he got in he had a blast, he was just as happy as he could be that he just had 2 big poops. Either way, he finally got clean and took a good nap after his bath. The rest of the day was awesome. We played and had tummy time and talked and laughed. I think we both enjoyed our day hanging out.
I actually ended up staying home with him on today, too. Dena's little girl was sick, so I emailed my assignment I had due to my professor and Daddy Drew Day 2.0 was on. Pretty much the same as the first, except without the morning spit up/poop adventure.