We love both sides of our family and had fantastic pictures taken this year! Here they are! Love you all! :)
My side! :) Just the girls... 3 generations! SO SWEET! My babies! Our family... We are so blessed!!! My bro in law, sis in law, and niece :) cousins! Aaron's side Andrew Asa Samantha Abigail
Silly babies... silly expressions. My kids never have a blank stare, they are VERY expressive! You never wonder what they are thinking! :) Another picture mommy? HE is so helpful... helps with trash, feeding the dogs, giving sissy her paci!
Sweet fun with Eliana!
Enjoy these videos...
Charlie and Andrew splashing like crazy!
Leah smiling and Andrew dancing!
Aaron and Andrew playing pirate ship!
I am blessed beyond belief! I am so thankful for my family and friends!