Andrew is blazing the trails when it comes to language, he will repeat just about anything. He has learned new color words... blue, red, green, and yellow (my favorite b/c he says it lellow with his tongue hanging out) He has also learned eat, Cha Cha (Charlie), Lola, Gaga, outside, Oscar (the grouch), help, truck, swing, Mickey, Goofy, and tiger. I am sure there is more, but just cant remember them off the top of my head. He really is a sweet boy, but can get VERY offended (and hits) when someone takes something he wants or is playing with. (He are working on this too) :)
In the 17th month we went to the zoo with my parents and Drew had a great time! His favorite animal to see was a duck. Too cute! :) Drew also had an adventure of his own staying with my mom and dad for two nights. He did not want to leave. We got to go to Fredricksburg for 2 days which was fantastic!
LOL :)
Month 18 has become crazy! Aaron is studying for finals and I am counting down the days until I get to spend every day with Andrew. Also, Aaron got an internship and we are so excited and thankful to God for this blessing! We also have another blessing coming our way...
What? I have to share?
Oh, I get it, I will have someone I can beat up on and steal pizza from... I'm in!
You guessed it, we are having another baby! I am 4 months and he/she (we think boy) is due October 2nd! It happened a little sooner than we thought, but are thrilled! Our lives will become even crazier, but we know more blessed! THANK YOU LORD!
More pictures of of Drew! He loves being outside!
Being silly!
Having his first of many beaters. :)
Fun with mom!