The best thing about being a parent is seeing them learn new things. It is amazing to watch them go from laying there and needing you for everything to them being able to help with changing clothes, getting toys, and telling you what they want. Drew has learned so much since 14 months! He is just a sponge and repeats a lot of what we say. New words are: dance, turtle, cracker (tatter), sheep, baby, bubble, big bird, elmo, play, paci, shoe, night night(which is his blanket), nose, hat, and bath. Crazy! Lately he has been very attached to mommy because Aaron stays home with him 3 days a week, so when I get home, Drew is always saying Mama mamamama and under my feet non stop. I cant say I really mind. I miss him while I am gone. Other fun things that he has learned are: when I sing row row row your boat, he will say, row row row and give a big grin. :) Also, if he sees you wearing socks, watch out because he will come and tickle your toes. Too sweet! He thinks it is funny! Drew has his 15 month well visit and it went great! He is in the 50% for height and 30% for weight. He is just perfect! God has really taught me to depend on him with Drew's life and it is only getting easier because, lets face it, God is all we can rely on with children!
Another situation God took total control of was Drew's childcare. It was costing us almost $800 per month for him to go 5 days a week, so Aaron looked into only going to school Mondays and Wednesdays and it worked out! So now, Drew is going 2 days a week and the cost is almost cut in half! What a wonderful blessing!
We have so much to be thankful for! 1. Jesus who has covered my sin and given me the security of eternal life. 2. Precious healthy son 3. Wonderful family and friends
We have definitely enjoyed our time off as a family. We have gotten to play with Drew so much and it has been so great! He is so interactive and talking. His new game is to tickle our feet. Too funny! I pray that our 2011 is filled with showing Gods love through any circumstance and I pray that we will lean on Him through it all. This is just a quick blog, so I can post some sweet pictures taken at Thanksgiving and Christmas. :)