Friday, January 3, 2014

Busy in December!

December was a busy month!  Here are all the fun things we did!

Making fudge, cookies, divinity, Aunt Bill's, and Martha Washington candy with my momma!  YUMMY!

It iced terribly, but we had fun anyway. :)

 And here is the our picture with Santa!  :)  Leah stills says, "I dont like Santa Claus".  Ha ha, maybe next year...

Decorating the Christmas tree!

Christmas morning... So fun to see the kids get on their bikes.

 Love them!

Then we snuggled. :)

We made Christmas cookies!  I love passing this tradition down.

Drew's first Christmas program at church.  He enjoyed watching all the other kids. :)

Playing with our new nativity set.  Drew is showing me baby Jesus. :)

Sticker Fun!  Thanks Lovey!

My BIG family Christmas!  We stay at the Embassy Suites and hang out with all of my family.  It is always so much fun!

Aaron and the kids swimming.

We finally laid my sweet Grandpa Bill to rest.  It was a sad day, but wonderful to honor his memory again with family. Love you Grandma Kathryn and Grandpa Bill.

Swimming with the cousins. :)


Bowling with my cousins, Tay and Livi.

Since I was little we have had Santa come and to see my kids be so excited was fun.

Andrew was excited to see Santa.

Leah was too, but then she looked at him and got scared.  :)  Sweet girl.

Then she was happy after she got a present.

 Happy New Year!  Dana and I had fun, maybe too much fun. :)