Friday, August 26, 2011

22 months

Our Handsome Andrew!!! :) I wonder if Leah will have those big blue eyes...

I am late on posting about Andrew, but better late then never...
He is our sweet little man who talks like crazy!! Some things he is saying or singing are:
-his abcs
-counting to 13
-going through 2 abc books and names all the pictures (even butter and nutmeg, it is a cookie monster cooking book)
-saying bless you, thank you, and your welcome
-patty cake
-screaming a lot (which is not encouraged :)
-telling us what he wants to eat or wants (including brushing his teeth)
-naming all characters on Elmo and Mickey Mouse
-repeating everything we say...:)

He is an absolute joy and we look back to his birth and realize Jesus was holding him in his arms the entire time! God just wanted to teach mommy to trust, no matter what. I tear up every time I think about Andrew and how great he is doing and praise God for it!

This is Drew getting ready for baby sister... rocking the baby, and giving her a kiss. Just so you know (and so Aaron doesn't give me a disapproving look) this will be Leah's doll, not Andrew's, he found it in her room

Baby #2- Leah Kathryn Lovelace is getting ready for her debut by making me extremely uncomfortable, but I am thankful nonetheless. I am so excited to meet her, but also pray she stays in at least 2 more weeks. Prayers are always welcomed :)(Drew arrived at 35 weeks 4 days, which is next Thursday, so I'm just holding out hope we can pass that mile stone!) Everything looks great, she is just low, low, low. But, her room is ready! Wanted something different, purple and green! Check out the pics below...

I also want to give a shout out to my amazing husband who has done so much around the house this week...
-put up laundry
-unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher
-picked up the living room
-went grocery shopping
-picked up my prescription
-cooked 2 nights
-and played with Drew so I can lay down when I get home

I am so thankful for Aaron Lovelace!!! I love you!